Dr. Carlos Rava
a little of my story
In January 1994 I joined the Faculty of Medicine from the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul. From the first years of the course, I got close to the hip surgery group at Hospital de Clínicas de Porto Alegre. It was the beginning of interest in the specialty.
In February 2000, I joined a three-year medical residency in Orthopedics and Traumatology at the Hospital de Base do Distrito Federal (HBDF), the largest hospital in the Federal District, which receives a large volume of patients from the Midwest, North and Northeast of Brazil.
In February 2003, I started the improvement course in hip disorders at Santa Casa de Misericórdia in São Paulo, where I had the valuable opportunity to get in touch with some of the main hip surgeons in Brazil and delve deeper into the subject.
In 2004 I returned to the Federal District and joined the preceptorship of the residency in orthopedics and traumatology at the HBDF, with special dedication to hip surgeries. I worked there for 5 years.
In 2009, after an invitation from friends, I came to know the beautiful and welcoming city of João Pessoa, where the following year I was already living with my family.
by fence of ten years I answered at Clinor and ministered classes at the Nova Esperança Faculty of Medicine in the chair of Orthopedics and Traumatology. At the Nossa Senhora das Neves Hospital I have been attending since its foundation.
In order to serve a large number of patients who do not obtain relief from their drug problems, but which are still not serious enough to justify performing major surgeries, in 2016 I started the journey in the study of biological treatments. In May 2017 I passed the exam for American Academy of Regenerative Medicine. In this quest to improve health without surgery, I also approached hormoneology, a fundamental tool for the well-being, prevention and even recovery of patients with the most diverse health conditions.
From all this journey, after 20 years of training, in March 2020 the ORTOPLUS clinic was born, an individual initiative, to provide a differentiated service integrating the knowledge of classical orthopedics and hormonology.
To all those who are part of this story, I leave a big hug.
1. Full member of the Brazilian Society of Orthopedics and Traumatology (SBOT);
2. Full member of the Brazilian Society of Hip Surgery (SBQ);
3. Approved as a Member of the American Academy of Regenerative Medicine